Your home is likely the largest investment you will ever make. You work hard for all that you have, and you need to be protected in the event of an unforeseen loss.
Homeowners insurance can cover:
Your home
Other structures on your property
Personal property (all the items you own in the house)
Additional living expenses you incur due to a covered loss

Did You Know...
Home Insurance also includes condo-owners, apartments, and homes that you rent?
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you know if you are covered for water back up?
When is the last time you reviewed the replacement cost to rebuild your home in the event of a total loss?
Do you have hired help come into your home and are they insured?
Our agents find these are commonly some of the most underinsured or neglected products of homeowners coverage. We can discuss this and more, but only if you give us a call. Let’s create a home insurance plan that works and helps you understand your homeowners insurance.